Outdoor Burning Safety Rules (Daily Burn Information 541-673-5503)
• Open fires must be limited in size, be controlled, and not be a hazard to people, property, or standing vegetation.
• No pile of burn material may be larger than 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft. without a special burn permit. A minimum of 25 feet. clearance from other combustibles or structures is required.
• Combustibles should be removed from around burning piles that would contribute to the spread of fire. A minimum 10 feet. wide firebreak down to mineral earth must surround each burn pile.
• A garden hose connected to a water supply and a shovel or other approved fire extinguishing equipment shall be readily available.
• Burning material shall be constantly attended by a person knowledgeable in the use of the fire extinguishment equipment. An attendant shall supervise the burning material until the fire has been extinguished.
• Burning of materials in any manner where smoke or flame damages or endangers people or property is prohibited.
• Regardless of permit, no person shall ignite, maintain, or continue to burn when conditions develop that would cause the fire to spread (e.g. high wind, brands or embers flying away from the burning site, etc.), or when an announcement is made that there shall be no burning.
• Burning shall be conducted during day light hours only (between 07:30 a.m. and two hours before sunset). All fires shall be extinguished and smoke free two hours before sunset unless otherwise specified by the prescribed burn hours on the permit or the Burn Information Number (541) 673-5503.
Prohibited Materials
Garbage, paper, plastic, rubber, wire insulation, asphalt, cardboard, construction debris, auto parts, asbestos, petroleum products or treated materials, plaster, rubber products, tires, animal remains, materials which normally emit dense smoke or noxious odors, slash from commercial land clearing, burning of uncut or standing vegetation, any treated wood products including plywood, particle board or any composite wood products, root wads or stumps, materials transported from another location for the purpose of being burned.
Douglas County Fire District No.2 – Fire Prevention Division